Tuesday, April 18, 2017 02:31:09 AM
League Finals
Game #1 (April 18th)---630pm B division,8:00pm C division, 9:30pm D division
---If A side winner wins game number 1 they will be the champion, If B side team wins, a second game will need to be played

Game #2 (April 20th)---630pm B division, 8:00pm C division, 9:30pm D division
----If there is only a 2nd game in the B and D division, the D division game will be moved up to 8:00pm

Overtime League Final
-Period 3---5 min, stop time, 4 on 4, sudden death
-Period 4---5 min, stop time, 3 on 3, sudden death
-Period 5---shootout, 5 shooters

Division winners will be moved to the higher division for next season